Monday, 17 August 2015

[Android] My Top Recommended Xposed Framework Modules

If you’re an Android power user, you’ll probably know about Xposed framework. If you’ve ever used a Custom ROM on your phone or tablet, you will know that these ROMs often come with additional features that are not available in stock Android.

Xposed framework allows you to use the stock ROM that comes with your device but with the benefit of ROM-like features, called “modules”.

Xposed Framework

Please remember that not every module works on every device, so keep the Xposed Disabler ZIP and a custom recovery handy if you get a bootloop.

Here is a list of my top recommended xposed modules, in no particular order.
  • Awesome Pop-up Video – This module allows you to watch videos in a tiny window that you can move and resize, which lets you multi task while you’re watching the video.
  •  Blacklist – This module allows you to block certain numbers or texts, for example unwanted callers.
  •  BootManager – This module allows you to disable certain applications from starting up. Why would a game need to run at boot?
  •  NotifyClean – This module allows you to block certain applications from notifying you about something.
  •  MinMinGuard – This module allows you to block ads on a per-app basis, and removes the empty space that the ad used to take up.
  •  Greenify – This module saves battery life by preventing certain applications from waking your device up when you’re not using it.
  •  YouTube Adaway – This module blocks ads in the YouTube app, whereas regular Adaway doesn’t.
  •  GravityBox – This module brings a whole lot of User Interface customization options to the table.
  •  CpuTemp in Statusbar – This module does what it says on the tin. It puts the current CPU Temperature of your device on the Status bar.
That’s all for now, I hope you find these modules useful.

[Originally posted on my other blog, PizzaDude Talks Tech]

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